I love trying every Méxican fruit drink that I come across. Aguas Frescas (fresh water) are drinks made with a combination of fruit and water. They are delicious! They are often served with a big ladle from the glass jars like pictured above.
You might also find these on a menu as Agua del Día. You should ask what it is and give it a try! ¿Cuál es tu agua del día hoy?
A few of my favorites are:
Watermelon – Sandía
Soursop – Guanabana
Pineapple and Cucumber – Piña y Pepino
Cucumber Mint – Pepino y Hierbabuena
Tamarind – Tamarindo
Cactus Fruit and Mint – Tuna y Hierbabuena
Alfalfa and Lime – Alfalfa y Límon
Rice Water – Horchata